Know Your Audience.
The purpose of your HUDL highlights is to have
a college coach evaluate your ability to play for their program.

First Things First.
This information should be on your opening slide.:
Graduation Year
The 2nd slide will have:
Head Coaches Name
Contact Info (email and/or phone#).

45-60 Seconds...
Coaches are professional evaluators who can quickly assess your ability to help their team. Dont waste time. Put your best plays 1st and trim the clips so you can show your best 8-10 plays in a minute or less.

What Is A Highlight
Simple. It is a play that would make a college coach stop & look.

10 Throws That Will Help A Coach Evaluate You
Touch Throw Long (vertical)
Touch Throw Short (screen)
Velocity Throw Across The Middle
Out Route Throw
Athletic Run
Physical Run
Escape The Pocket Throw
Scramble Throw
Facing Pressure Throw
Clutch Performance Play

I Play Multiple Positions.
1st segregate your clips. 2nd, create an "intro" slide for each position you play. This will let the coach know what they are about to see.
QB Spotlight or No?
Your choice, but every college coach knows how to locate the QB on film, so spotlights are not needed
Remember your audience! If you do add music make sure the lyrics are clean and positive.